Friday, October 8, 2010

Mandala tu apa?

dont get me wrong, this is my study for my subject at school of architecture.

Today, i want to explain about Mandala..
What is Mandala ?
Mandala is an ritual geometric design symbolics that been used in Hindusim and Buddhism and mainly for meditation to stay focus the mind.
Usually, mandala is in circular shape and round shape or square patterns.
Kalau ikutkan, the word mandala itself means circle,community,connection in Sanskrit.

The mandala is often used to represent a palace with four gates, facing the four corners of the earth,,

kat bawah ni adalah contoh-contoh Mandala,
In Buddhism, lain bentuk mandala, lain maksudnya.
Usually, mandala are displayed in 2D, which is commonly from paper, colored sand and textiles.

Process of constructions 
-sand painting-
it takes several days,..and shortly is destroyed after its completion,.haha..
kind of funny and wasted  right..but its real,.seriously..

very detail..

There are also 5 common symbols in Mandala..

Diamond - symbols of nature of the mind
Bell - symbols of emptiness (to give wisdom)
Vajra - effective means for meditating person
Dharma wheel - symbols of perfection
Lotus - peace of mind

For your infomation, all the images are closely related to deities and the sacred space.
ok..thats all for mandala..

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