Thursday, May 10, 2012

and yet, long distance relationship can't stand.

this entry will be longer than u thought, and will be more express my feelings,
and i dont know why im writing this in english, even my grammar bapak berterabor!
abaikan keserabaian aku, kau baca dan senyap je tau~

yes, i can't stand our relationship.
sometimes i feel like were friends,
sometimes i feel like were more than friends, but sometimes,
i feel like i im just a stranger to u.
- pick from  a friends of mine.

or maybe i just get jealous easily,
oh why?!

a couple of days ago.

i asked what are u doing?
and u dont reply.
sedih tahu.
and then u captures ur phone screens and tell me what exactly r u trying to reply.
:( but u don't reply it to me. :(

 then , im a bit relief :) , and i reply..

ni pon dia tak reply, dia just 'screen captures' je mesej ni,  :(
aku geram, kenapa dia tak reply teros msg ni kat aku, tapi dia print screen.
dia cakap dia tanak sakitkan hati aku.
but u already did it!

patah hati,
member aku pernah kata,

andfinally, dengan kekuatan otot2 yang kuat dekat badan aku ni,  i asked u, 

 ' are u breaking up with me?''

and u said

' exactly no!'

i dont understand, ! what are u trying to do?

dan dengan kekuatan minda yang tak berapa waras jugak ,aku publish post ni! =='

dulu, aku pernah kutuk orang yang post feeling2 dekat blog, luahkan perasaan bagai, sekrang aku pulak. *facepalm!
kena balik kat muka sendirik.

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